Donate Help camp change lives
Donate Help camp change lives

Many ways to give You can touch the lives of numerous kids, young people and adults through LOMIK Camps. Your financial gifts, supplies or equipment, your time through volunteering all make a difference for everyone who comes to camp.
Financial Gifts You can be a source of light and warmth for those who visit LOMIK Camps. Be a partner in the long-term ministry.
Join our Campfire Circle by making a one-time gift (coming soon); or become a Fire Starter with a recurring monthly gift:
Physical Giving You can provide needed resources and equipment for camp. Feel free to contact us to see what the most current needs are. Thrivent Action Teams are a great way to supply items and food for your project.
Gifts of Time You can give of yourself through volunteering any time of year. Utilize your skills as a reading teacher, nurse, project leader, or camp chaplain during summer camp. Organize a group for a spring or fall service day. Call to customize a unique service day for your group. Please check the calendar on our home page for scheduled service days. Click here to apply to volunteer during summer camp.
"The first year Gracie came to camp I was on support staff," shared Katelyn. "I observed her crying every night and longing to be home. Gracie did have fun that week but lacked the skills to handle the sadness and waves of homesickness. She reminded me of myself at that age."
The next year Katelyn was a cabin counselor and Gracie was assigned to her cabin. "I believe God put Gracie in my cabin for a special connection. I talked to her parents when they dropped her off for advice on how to help her have a good time. I worked at setting expectations with Gracie to let her know she was safe and to help her develop skills."
"Every night in the cabin, I led a devotion and read a story for all my campers. Then I went to each girl and prayed with them, and over them, thanking God for them. I spent extra time praying with Gracie, praying for peace and gratitude for her."
That week Gracie prayed on her own, modeling the example Katelyn gave her. She was also in charge of carrying the cabin mascots, two stuffed animals. This gave her purpose and responsibility. She was encouraged to express her needs.
Katelyn shared with her that what she is feeling is ok and the young adults around her would help work through it together. "I have a heart for meeting children where they are, helping them work through what they are feeling. God is so present in spaces like camp. I cherish the experiences to pour God’s love into children. God is growing a child, growing all of us"
You can impact more people than you can imagine by supporting our ministry and working with our ministry partners. Help someone change their life through a loving Christian community. Please consider a meaningful gift to support the ongoing work of LOMIK Camps to provide a safe environment for children, like Gracie, to grow in faith, strengthening her identity as a child of God.
Volunteer at LOMIK

Volunteer at Service Days
You will be onsite at one of the three LOMIK Camps locations for Spring and Fall Service Days. Visit the home page calendar for upcoming events.
You can also customize a service experience for yourself, your family, friends, youth group, coworkers, clubs, Bible study groups, or congregation. Begin by having a conversation with one of our onsite coordinators.
- Lake Luther: Joanne
- Lutheran Hills: Kathy
- Lutherwald: Jackson

Lead a Thrivent Action Team
If you are a Thrivent member we will help you organize a group of volunteers to help with a service project at camp. We will host your group and provide meals and housing. Thrivent will provide your team with T-shirts and a $250 gift card to purchase supplies for your service project.
For more information go to
Follow the steps outlined on this link NA.
Thrivent members may also use their Thrivent Choice Dollars to support camp. For more information go to

Volunteer at Summer Camp
You can impact and mentor youth leadership skills, faith development, and reading skills at Summer Camp. Volunteer positions for adults, high school and college age individuals include:
- Teachers for Reading Camp
- Nurses
- Project Leaders
- Camp Chaplains
LOMIK Camps need volunteers during the summer camp season at all three sites to work with the campers and our staff. We need teachers, nurses, project leaders and camp chaplains as well as high school and college-aged “cadets” that are interested in elementary or secondary education. Reading Camp “Cadets” work with a teacher partner for 3 hours each morning and interact with campers throughout the day in general camp activities.
If you have questions specific to Reading Camp, call Cleo Swager at 260-755-5227 (land line).
To volunteer a nurse, teacher, cadet, camp chaplain or adult helper for a week at camp, apply here and email your application to Chris at