Summer Camp Programs

Summer Camp Programs

Find Fun, Faith & Friends at Camp

"You can leave camp, but camp never leaves you!" (summer staff member)

"I don’t get homesick. I get camp sick" (Super Pilgrim camper)

"I went to camp expecting to make friends but I ended up with a family" (Senior High camper)

"There is always that one summer that changes you" (Staff Alumni)

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2025 Summer Camp Programs (Green/Lake Luther, Red/Lutherwald, Blue/Lutheran Hills)

Staff Alumni Camp

Staff Alumni Family Camp is a laid-back family camp with limited staff facilitated activities and plenty of time for families to explore. Families can choose what activities they attend including crafts, hikes, games, guarded swim times and alumni vs. current staff capture the flag.

Families (4 days)
($ Varies)


Info FlierA great first camp experience for those entering grades 1-3. The shortened week provides four busy days of general camp activities geared towards a young age group. Smaller groups allow for extra individual attention. Activities: Bible study, arts and crafts, singing, games, and swimming.

Grade 1-3 (4 days)

Super Pilgrims

Info FlierA week-long experience offered for the more mature 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders who are ready for a full camp week. Activities: Bible study, arts and crafts, singing, games, swimming and boating.

Grade 1-3 (6 days)

Foundation for Art & Music in Education

Foundation for Arts and Music for Elementary (FAME) camp is the only week-long overnight fine arts camp for talented artistic students ages 8-16 in northern Indiana. This week-long residential arts camp present the FAME cultural focus on art, music, dance, and drama led by an outstanding faculty of arts educators. The program offers an opportunity for artistic students to further their current artistic study and to participate in an artist youth community. FAME classes of voice, instrumental, musical theater, visual arts, drama, dance, literature, and storytelling are interspersed with camp activities including swimming, archery, canoeing, horseback riding, mud hiking, and more. Nightly talent sharing provides ample opportunities for performance, fun, and camaraderie.

Grade 3-10 (6 days)

Reading Camp

Info FlierEntering grades 3-6. A free camp experience with a focus on improving reading skills. Mornings are set aside for small group learning led by volunteer teachers. The rest of the day is filled with fun camp activities. Teacher referral and test scores are requested prior to camp.

Grade 3-6 (6 days)

CYC Camp

CYC Camp (Catholic Youth Camp) in the diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend is calling all 4th , 5th and 6th grader Catholic youth, to experience the Lord through the great outdoors at Camp Lutherwald. Activities include flag ceremonies, scripture memorization, crafts, campfire, mass, archery, climbing wall, zip line, fishing, and obstacle course.

Grade 4-6 (6 days)


Info FlierA lively week packed with activities for upper elementary youth entering grades 4-6. Activities: Bible study, hiking, swimming, arts and crafts, singing, campfire programs, small group and all camp games.

Grade 4-6 (6 days)

Confirmation Camp

Info FlierEntering grades 6-9, A week that combines 2 hours of study each day with your pastor and confirmation class plus all of the fun camp activities: hiking, arts and crafts, games, music, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and campfire programs. Confirmation campers register as a group, coordinated by your local congregation. Check with your pastor for details.

Grade 6-9 (6 days)


Info FlierA week geared for young teens entering grades 7-9, involving more advanced activities and more individual choice than for younger campers. Activities included: Bible study, canoe/hiking trips, swimming, a cookout/camp out, campfire programs, and special evening activities.

Grade 7-9 (6 days)

Hiking & Caving Adventure

Info FlierEntering grades 7-11. Hiking on the Tecumseh Trail and caving in southern Indiana. Participants should bring a backpack. This program is not designed as a serious athletic challenge. The focus is fun!

Grade 7-11 (6 days)

Trailblazers Servant

Info FlierAlong with the usual great camp activities, campers will take part in daily servant projects with their counselors, both on and off the Lake Luther site.

Grade 7-9 (6 days)

Senior High Camp

Info FlierEntering grades 10-12. Here is a new twist on an old favorite for our older campers. Blending servant opportunities around camp with leadership training we aim to help equip youth to become leaders with a servant focus. In addition to having lots of fun our staff will lead campers through team building activities, learning sessions, service projects, and opportunities to put their leadership training into action.

Grade 10-12 (6 days)

Lutheran Hills Adventure

Lutheran Hills Adventure Camp includes a wide range of outdoor activities. Experiences such as boating, hiking, and outdoor cooking give campers the opportunity to challenge themselves and gain new experiences amidst God's creation.

Grade 10-12 (6 days)

ARC Week

ARC Week in partnership with Easter Seals of Allen County, Lake Luther staff will host an adult camp full of fun including swimming, campfires and a talent show. Register through Easter Seals of Allen County.

Adult (4 days)